Deaf Week - Gehörlosenfreizeit in Polen mit Ausflug nach Kolberg

Local Events  |  17 Juni 2018 - 24 Juni 2018

Ort: Zatoń in Poland. (district: drawski, commune Złocieniec)

Veranstalter ist die Freikirche der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten - Gehörlosengemeinschaft  in Polen
Einladung  in Englisch

Seventh-day Adventist Church in Poland

We are honored to invite people with hearing impairments who are using the sign language to the Deaf People's Assembly. It will take place  in Zatoń in Poland. (district:  drawski, commune Złocieniec)
We want to meet with you from 17.06.2018 to 24.06.2018r.
We planned wide range of attractions. However   the main goal will be the opportunity to talk about God. We will also share our experiences and problems. We will to organize for  a trip, as well. We will visit polish coast in city called Kołobrzeg.

Applications should be adressed to:

Seventh-day Adventist Church 00-366 Warsaw ul. Foksal 8 with an extra note: “OAZA ZATONIE”

We also kindly ask you to send an advance payment - 250 PLN
to account number: 59 1750 0012 0000 0000 3024 9267

The booking deadline  is 31 December 2017.

Total cost per  person is 640 PLN. Amount includes  accommodation, meals, tours and all other organizational costs.

Don’t forget to pack  a swimsuit and a towel- you will need it on the beach.

As you can see the program is very interesting. So make your reservation immediately! 
The number of places is limited.


 Please fill in and send to

The week dedicated to deaf people in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Poland.

 17-24 June 2018 in  "POLUBIE" holiday resort in Zatonie
Final registration until 31 December 2017
Seventh-day Adventist Church in Poland

Fax: +48 22 313 14 48 e-mail:
Name …………………………………………………
Surname............................................................... ..
street ................................................... ..
Code / city ....................................................
Telephone / Fax .......................................................
E-mail .......................................................................

Date of payment …………………………………………………..

Fill the formular below

I will come / we will go for dinner at 18:00
 I will come / we will come....................................... (hour / meal)
 (    ) traditional, (     ) vegetarian, (     ) other...........................................................................

The cost for one person is 640 zł Price includes  an accommodation, meals, service, cost of trip and others
I / we made a bank transfer .........................(amount) in PLN

Bank  account:

bank name: Raiffeisen Polbank IBAN 59 1750 0012 0000 0000 3024 9267 BIC RCBWPLPW

With extra  note: OAZA ZATONIE
Recipient: Seventh-day Adventist Church in Poland